W̶e̶ ̶W̶i̶l̶l̶ ̶W̶a̶l̶k̶ We Will Fly (2020)

stick up by Swan Nemesis This work first appeared in public on 7 May 2020 as a performative fly-posting at various sites in Margate, England

A reaction to the cold ‘branding’ messages coming from the UK government telling the country to “Stay At Home, Protect the NHS, Save Lives” and more importantly in response to personal pain relating to the disproportionate number of deaths from Black and Brown communities; and a climate of blame put onto these same communities through racist rhetoric from politicians and the media.

At the core of this work is a message of affirmation that stems from the phrase “Stay Black” as used in Ebonics, meaning ‘to stay true to the culture without compromise’ A deeper reading calling for us as Brown and Black people to not only STAY BREATHING and STAY ALIVE during a global pandemic but to also keep fighting to STAY BLACK, STAY BROWN, STAY WOKE, STAY HOMIE.

Through a series of artistic interventions during the initial lockdown, I pasted posters around Margate, also offering them to people from the Black and Brown communities together with a set of postcards; creating a space for engaging on the street, at protests and at marches. I documented each interaction through a photo to capture the offering, followed by a video or audio recording of our conversations and debate, creating some much needed warmth, laughter and human connection.

Sadly these posters took on an even deeper meaning following the global response to the murder of George Floyd. Seen during the first big march from Trafalgar Square and later marches, protests and interventions around the country as the uprisings grew in size and strength over the summer of 2020.

In Margate and Newlyn Exchange, Cornwall, where they were exhibited, the posters became mirrors, their vandalisation became part of the work, reflecting that which is trying to hide in plain sight. The violence with which they were slashed and torn, some with stickers covering the words 'Brown’ and ‘Black’ only goes to highlight the problems and systematic erasure we continue to face everyday.

Rebel With A Cause (2020)

single channel video, 1 min 13 sec

I shot this footage at the first big march from Trafalgar Square on 31 May 2020. Audio excerpts from Rebel Without A Pause and Bring The Noise by Public Enemy, from the album It Takes A Nation Of Millions To Hold Us Back 1988.
Copyrights of the audio used in this piece are owned by the original artists, used here for artistic and non commercial reasons and in no way intended to harm, prejudice or attempt to own the copyrights of the original

Immediately following the first big march from Trafalgar Square, London and together with People Dem Collective, I initiated and organised Margate to Minneapolis which has forever changed the town I currently choose to call home, the repercussions of which will continue to be felt far into the future; embodied by the young people to whom we offered a space of belonging. Once again the posters took on yet another meaning, in direct response to the rhetoric coming from government and media; and an underlying hypocrisy in ‘rainbow’ posters proclaiming ‘Stay at Home, Protect the NHS’.

The spiritually powerful march and gathering of 7 June 2020 in Margate, followed by another beautiful, collective and necessary act of healing and cry for systemic change, saw us marching from Ramsgate to Broadstairs on 13 June 2020; both were ways of asserting our presence, sending a message to say they can’t erase all of us, we are rainbows too, the fight continues and we are here to STAY!

image from Margate to Minneapolis,
7 June 2020, Margate, UK

(video below)

I'm a Rainbow Too (2021)

single channel video, 5 min 10 sec
incantation by Swan Nemesis

Includes footage I shot during the march from Ramsgate to Broadstairs on 13 June 2020.
Audio excerpts from Sun is Shining by Delhi Sultanate & Begum X, from the album Globalistan 2014. Copyrights of the audio are owned by the original artists, their use here is in no way intended to harm, prejudice or attempt to own the copyrights of the original.

Colours (2020)

single channel video, 1 min 14 sec

Audio excerpt from Colors by Ice-T, 1988. Copyrights of the video and audio sed in this piece are owned by the original artists. Used here for artistic and non commercial reasons and in no way intended to harm, prejudice or attempt to own the copyrights of the original.

Playing The Race Card (2020)

single channel video, 20 sec