Hood Musics (2018)

mixtape, 179 min 29 sec

Hood Musics was compiled in Cliftonville, Margate during 2018, using material collated through a series of street discussions. These conversations also influenced Let The Record Show (2018) a live performance of Outspoken Word + Subliminal Bass by Swan Nemesis, excerpts of which were disseminated in various locations throughout the area in the form of text based posters, signs and interactions.This collaborative three hour mixtape of music echoed the many sociocultural groups living and working within close proximity in an area of ongoing and rapid socio-political transformation. Representing the rich sonic cultures of people while confronting and questioning that which is allowed to be seen and heard.

Where does memory travel?

How much does it cost?

Who participates?

Who curates?

What is art?

These questions are starting points for research and reflection resulting in There Goes The Neighbourhood, (2018) an experiential taxi ride and ‘drive by’ listening tour through a delimited zone of my own neighbourhood in Cliftonville, Margate. Hood Musics was played on loop in a locally hired taxi during the tour. The taxi driver was given a ten minute itinerary to follow, what then ensued inside the car between driver and participants was left to unfold organically, evolving into a vital part of this work.

Through this mixtape of music, the taxi, a form of communal transport and temporary space for potential conversation is transformed into a fluid sonic sculpture. Your experience as a passenger while being driven through the neighbourhood or a passer by as you encounter sound emanating from the car is intrinsic to how you will experience it and what you will add or take away from its collaborative and participatory origins.

"Music should be viewed as an act instead of a thing. Who is doing it? where? and who is listening? then become the primary questions. By looking at music this way, we begin to understand the relationship between music, people, history and the larger culture."

Quote by Christopher Small from Sonic Bodies by Julian Henriques.
Video excerpts by Antonia Luxem and Dipesh Pandya

yesudas, hood musics, swan nemesis, dipesh pandya, nina radio tapes, ice cream mafia, there goes the neighbourhood
kandi kochi, pashto, afghanistan, hood musics, swan nemesis, dipesh pandya, nina radio tapes, ice cream mafia, there goes the neighbourhood

above: I have seen and heard this small group of young singers and musicians from the Roma community in Cliftonville on a few occasions since living here; and often late at night … once they even continued singing in the rain. They got together in various locations on the streets in the hood to sing songs in their language, from their culture … as well as a version of Despacito by Puerto Rican artist Luis Fonsi, released in 2017. Enjoy!

Thanks to all those from the neighbourhood with who I had intimate and heart warming discussions with; on the streets, in cars and in their homes while researching for this project; There Goes The Neighbourhood, Hood Musics, Streets is Watching, Let The Record Show.

A series of works that first started to form in the back of my mind when I moved to Margate in summer 2017

supported by Open School East

Listen to the Hood Musics mixtape here

Bernie - 64, Irish + Welsh = British
Andrej - 21, Slovakia / Roma
Aslan - 37, Kurdish
Pradeep - 32, Sri Lankan / Tamil
Thamba - 35, Sri Lankan / Tamil
Kajar - 24, Sri Lankan / Tamil
Maureen - 50, German + Scottish = British
Neel - 33, Sri Lankan / Tamil
Jamie - 24, Irish + Portuguese = British
Abdul - 41, Iraqi
Ivan - 17, Slovak - Gypsy
Richard - 29, Czech Republic
Tamara - 28, British
Phillip - 48, British
Jade - 23, English
Joe - 93, British
David - 80, British
Arthur - 98, British
Joyce - 91, Londoner / English
Eileen - 91, English
Peggy - 80, English
Minder ’Paul’ Singh - 58, Asian / Sikh = Indian
Mikaela - 26, Swedish
Lado - 31, Lithuanian
Ali - 27, Romania
Halil - 46, Turkish
Heidi - 34, Estonian
Alice, 38, Malay
Samula - 18, Afghanistan
Dezider - 33. Slovak
Cas - 41, Libyan
Hairi, 57 - Turkish
Barry, 49, Welsh
Yanko - 31, Bulgarian / Gypsy

Participants self identified their heritage and culture as below:

Mirek - 26, Czech Republic / Romani = Roma Gypsy
Georgetta - 36, Lithuanian
Yasmine - 11, Bulgarian
Alex - 8, Slovak
Patrick - 11, Slovak
Andy - 55, English
Ben - 38, Nigerian
Knight - 5 England
Ayaan - 44, Somali / Swedish
Hossein - 35, Bangladeshi
Matthew - 41, London / Christian if anything
Clarissa - 43, Caribbean
Jimmy - 27, German + Irish - Never identified with a nationality
Ade - 48, West Indian with an English background
Roshan - 43, Nepali
Valentin - 35, Romanian - Roma
Egge- 9, Slovak
Summer - 26, English
Andy - 38, English
Georgi - 19, Bulgarian / Roma Gypsy
Dimitri - 27 Lithuanian / Russian
Marsal, 18, Slovak / Roma
Nick - 62, Greek
Johnny - 31, German / Jewish = British
Kef - 35, British Asian
Adnan - 38, Albanian
Shane - 19, English
Naami - 35, Ghanaian
Nina Radio Tapes - 46, South Asian
Ice Cream Mafia - 46, East African

+ Big Ups to Andy Doody at Thanet Cars,
Matthew Smith, Antonia Luxem,
Emily Whitebread, Korallia Stergides
and Alex & Sara Ratcliffe, The Tom Thumb Theatre


Let The Record Show